Wednesday, July 9, 2008

19 weeks

For some people there is Christmas for others Hanukkah or even Festivus and that crazy pole, for us, this year, there was today. Today we found out what our baby is, yes it is a baby and it is human despite its parents. Needless to say, Marissa had her fingers crossed for a little girl, me I was indifferent. Well our little one quite recently started moving around a whole lot. The first flip or kick apparently only felt like little butterfly flutters, but the movements have gotten stronger and I was able to feel it from the outside for the first time last night. It was probably the coolest, strangest thing that I have ever experienced. Marissa says that she concurs with my opinion. So at the doctor's today the baby decided it wanted to be difficult, it is its mother's child, and stay as curled up as any person could possibly be, we are talking one of those contortionists who fit in a box type twisted. There were feet above the head and hands below the butt it was quite the sight. So the poor ultrasound tech was having to try every trick in the book to get the necessary screen shots to see that the baby is developing well and everything is looking normal. It took some time, pressure and coaxing but she got all the shots she needed. The baby, according to what could be seen, is developing normally and looks healthy, the abnormalities will occur later in life after its parents traumatize it trying to raise it. We saw two hands, two feet, ten fingers and toes, as well as a cute button nose. And of course the reason you have all read this far is to find out the sex, the doctor says it is a baby girl. Our little bean now officially has a name it is no longer he/she it is Kylie, middle name is under negotiation, but we are leaning towards Leigh. Any objections or praise for the name will be appreciated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kylie is a beautiful name! So glad "all the toes and fingers" are looking good - oh, and the button nose doesn't hurt either! Congrats from Ter & Ferguson