Friday, May 30, 2008

13 1/2 weeks

Well now our little bean is about the size of a peach! Things are going great, I am feeling pretty good and am getting anxious to find out if it is a boy or girl! The doctor said everything looks really good and during the ultrasound he/she was moving around so much that it was hard to get a clear picture. Feet up in the air, arms moving everywhere, doing flips and the jaw moving up and down, it was the coolest thing I have ever seen. He measured the femur while the legs were up in the air and was 1/2 inch long! Anyways enough rambling until the next ultrasound. More updates soon!


Christy said...

Thanks for the link, Im trying to figure out a way to link to mine. as one of the blogs I read. Anyway
Gald to here things are just perfect!!

Anonymous said...

Jumping around, flipflops, can't stay still? Sounds like Chris when he was a little kid on the soccer field!