Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Some Firsts

We had a very eventful day on Friday. I don't know who was more tired, Kylie or myself! She had her 4 month check up (can you believe she is four months old already?) and she is now 15 lbs. and 26" tall. She was due for a bunch of shots so I decided to get the torture over with in one day and pierce her ears all at the same time (I know, mean mommy). We were also able to start her on solid foods and as you can see by the pictures it was messy, happy, sad, confusing...(for both of us)

Second time around wasn't so bad
She likes to talk with her mouth full
And smile while spitting it out
The first time she started off happy, well ok somewhat happy (and look at my pretty earings)
Then she was mad, ok really mad
Then she was confused
Wondering what Grandma was doing behind me
I think she liked Grandma feeding her more then me
In the end it wasn't all so bad.